Saturday, 31 December 2011
Christmas Bokeh
This post was inspired by this blog post on the lovely Meredith's blog, 'One Sheepish Girl' - which in turn, was inspired by a post on The Friendly Fox! They both blogged about this beautiful photography effect, which I think is called Bokeh (photography experts, feel free to correct me!). It just so happens to be perfect for the festive season, with all of these pretty lights twinkling all over the place.
It's so simple to do - just cut out a small shape from a piece of card, hold it in front of your camera lens with the aperture open really wide, and snap away!
The shapes appear smaller as the aperture gets smaller... and that really is all there is to it. I'm not sure if it works on ordinary digital cameras, but my DSLR made it work perfectly. (Totally justifies buying it!).
Sadie xxx
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Christmas Time
Call me Scrooge, but I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas. Something about its scale just seems to odd, in a country that is hardly religious anymore. That said, I do love the whole 'warmth' of it; the pretty lights, the indulgent food and coming back home from uni (and literally being warm, of course - I've never appreciated heating so much).
Just thought I'd write a short post to share some of my Christmas snaps, which I hope get across that certain Christmassy 'je ne sais quoi'. Including one of my old piano duet books, complete with instructions on which finger to use - cute!
The obligatory chocolate coins... and notes??
Mum's special request - 'wet walnuts'
New reading material - can't wait to get cracking on these!
...after finishing these :(...
...Aaah! Unfortunately the whole shebang is somewhat ruined by the impending deadlines that a new term at uni will bring. First on my agenda: a rather soul destroying economics essay. So if blogging is a bit intermittent, this is why!
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas and that school/uni/work isn't getting in the way of having a good time!
Sadie x
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Boutique by Jaeger
You'll have to excuse the label-loving nature of this post because, well, I just can't help it! I can't remember how I first found out about Boutique, a new line from luxury brand Jaeger, but I really do love the pieces in their collection, which is described as 'combining a playful ‘60s spirit with a clean, contemporary aesthetic'. Just up my street.
So you can imagine my delight when I went for a spontaneous look around Birmingham's Selfridges with my house mate, only to discover a large corner dedicated to Jaeger and its younger sibling... with a sale. It was only supposed to be a bit of post-dinner window shopping!
I picked up these blue corduroy high waisted shorts, reduced from £60 to £35 (although I have seen them on ASOS for £99!). They look like a match made in heaven with my vintage Jaeger blouse (£2, charity shop!), don't you think?
As you may or may not know, I am currently trying to shop much more ethically. I've tried to cut out cheap fast fashion completely from my shopping diet, leaving just three options when I want to buy 'ethically': second hand clothes, specific ethical brands, and 'luxury' brands (i.e. clothes built to last). Whilst I might not be quite there yet with my wardrobe choices, I'm hoping these shorts are 'built to last' - and after a quick once over, I can see the seams are nicely bound and the material is good quality. I hope they do not disappoint.
Sadie xxx
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Late Night Sewing: Cushion Cover
Last month I finally got around to making a cover for a plain cushion that I spontaneously bought at Ikea at the start of the summer (Ikea: the land spontaneous and unnecessary purchases). I thought I'd make use of some of my old scraps of material - you may recognise the lace from my shelves at uni! The dark boiled wool is from an old skirt that didn't fit, and the pretty retro green fabric is something I pulled out from the bottom of a pile offcuts at a carboot.
Cushion covers are probably the easiest thing in the world to make, the only thing you need to remember is leave enough overlap for the seams, and to sew the two pieces together inside out when you assemble them. Apart from that, the world's your oyster - it's a good way to upcycle old bits of material, and they make sofas and beds extra comfy (and pretty!).
What do you think of them? I couldn't resist taking some photos of them basking in the warm light from my lamp... makes me feel all wintery... and dare I say it, Christmassy? (I'm normally a bit of a Scrooge!)
Sadie xxx
Cushion covers are probably the easiest thing in the world to make, the only thing you need to remember is leave enough overlap for the seams, and to sew the two pieces together inside out when you assemble them. Apart from that, the world's your oyster - it's a good way to upcycle old bits of material, and they make sofas and beds extra comfy (and pretty!).
What do you think of them? I couldn't resist taking some photos of them basking in the warm light from my lamp... makes me feel all wintery... and dare I say it, Christmassy? (I'm normally a bit of a Scrooge!)
Sadie xxx
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Clothes Show Live: an ethical perspective
I was lucky enough to be given a press pass this year's Clothes Show Live, so yesterday I ventured to Birmingham's NEC all on my lonesome to join the masses of shoppers at this humungous event. If I'm honest, I was kind of dreading it - several football pitches' worth of fast fashion terrifies the living daylights out of me. But I wasn't really there for that: I had given myself the challenge of looking for ethical fashion brands, which thankfully were sprinkled in and amongst all of the rest of it.
For any of you who might be heading to The Clothes Show over the weekend, here is my ethical fashion round-up...
Oxfam Fashion
I couldn't not mention Oxfam Fashion here (I am one of their blog contributors, afterall!). I was pleased to see that they had two stalls, one filled with vintage clothing, and another for clothing customisation. They were selling vintage cashmere jumpers for a mere £15, so I snapped up a lovely green one. Wish I bought two now!
I watched one of the volunteers expertly customising a baby blue jumper with a pretty lace peterpan collar and some buttons - it makes all the difference, and is so easy to do (who needs Topshop?). Here is her work in progress...
Oxfam were running a competition at the show, to win a dress and necklace as worn by Beyoncé! It also included a 10% discount for their online shop. Very generous...
My second stop of the day (actually a happy accident... I had no idea where I was at any point, despite having a map), was the vintage section. Buying vintage is one of the most ethical ways to consume, as it means clothes are recycled rather than going into landfill, and it also means new clothes aren't created. And as a vintage lover, I'm not complaining...
I'd like to say a quick hello to the lovely lady who recognised me!
For any of you who might be heading to The Clothes Show over the weekend, here is my ethical fashion round-up...
Oxfam Fashion
I couldn't not mention Oxfam Fashion here (I am one of their blog contributors, afterall!). I was pleased to see that they had two stalls, one filled with vintage clothing, and another for clothing customisation. They were selling vintage cashmere jumpers for a mere £15, so I snapped up a lovely green one. Wish I bought two now!
I watched one of the volunteers expertly customising a baby blue jumper with a pretty lace peterpan collar and some buttons - it makes all the difference, and is so easy to do (who needs Topshop?). Here is her work in progress...
Oxfam were running a competition at the show, to win a dress and necklace as worn by Beyoncé! It also included a 10% discount for their online shop. Very generous...
My second stop of the day (actually a happy accident... I had no idea where I was at any point, despite having a map), was the vintage section. Buying vintage is one of the most ethical ways to consume, as it means clothes are recycled rather than going into landfill, and it also means new clothes aren't created. And as a vintage lover, I'm not complaining...
I'd like to say a quick hello to the lovely lady who recognised me!
Brooches, necklaces, earrings, bracelets... at Sallys Jewellery
My top picks from Anita's Vintage Fair... can't believe I left that mod dress behind. It was only £25!
Ethical Brands
I was deliberately searching for ethical brands, but unfortunately only came across two! Nevertheless, these two t-shirt brands really stuck in my mind. Here are my favourite t-shirts...
On the left: This was from a selection of fairtrade t-shirts made from a rage of ethically sourced and sustainable materials, including bamboo! The illustrations were all original designs by Tomoya Hiramatsu - I found this particular design rather creepy but characterful! The people on the stall were very chatty and I so very nearly bought this t-shirt, priced at £25. You can find them online at Conquer Gear.
On the right: I wanted to buy this T-shirt at last year's show, but couldn't quite afford it (same applies this year). It is from the Environmental Justice Foundation, which successfully campaigned to get the poisonous chemical Endosulfan banned in many countries. They were selling a range of organic fairtrade t-shirts featuring illustrations by prominent fashion designers. This one by Luella Bartley was my favourite.
This is a rather innovative section of Clothes Show Live, and offers the public the chance to learn new skills and how to upcycle old items of clothing. They had an 'Inspiration Stage', upon which an appliqué competition was taking place when I walked past. There were also two knitting workshops which looked like a very good place to relax after a tiring day shopping.
So, what did I buy?
I thought I'd treat myself to a lovely green cashmere jumper from Oxfam Fashion, which I have already worn once - it's so cosy! I also stopped off at Dahlia to see what all of the blogosphere fuss is about. I picked up a peter-pan collar dress on their £10 rail - the dress was originally £60! And finally, a book on Eco Fashion from Laurence King, which I'm hoping will help me work out where I aim to work in the future.
I hope you enjoyed my guide... sorry it was a bit long!
Sadie xxx
Saturday, 19 November 2011
I must confess, I have a serious problem with buying coats. I now have a family of at least 8 spread across various wardrobes, and last weekend they gained a new sibling.
Now, just to explain, last weekend I went back home so that I could work and earn some extra money. But unfortunately, I work in a designer outlet, which somehow transforms even the poorest student's mindset into one that believes that £165 is a reasonable price for an item of clothing. So over the course of the weekend, rather than gaining lots of money, I lost a significant portion of my student loan and instead came home with a beautiful beautiful beautiful coat.
The coat is from a Spanish brand called Masscob, and if you look carefully you can see my coat in their Autumn/Winter lookbook. Mmmm-mmm. According to the website...
Now, just to explain, last weekend I went back home so that I could work and earn some extra money. But unfortunately, I work in a designer outlet, which somehow transforms even the poorest student's mindset into one that believes that £165 is a reasonable price for an item of clothing. So over the course of the weekend, rather than gaining lots of money, I lost a significant portion of my student loan and instead came home with a beautiful beautiful beautiful coat.
The coat is from a Spanish brand called Masscob, and if you look carefully you can see my coat in their Autumn/Winter lookbook. Mmmm-mmm. According to the website...
"Marga and Jacobo (the designers) just follow their instinct, they don´t have a precise point of inspiration. Their designs emerge spontaneously and do not follow any predetermined process, sometimes just a substance of a fabric or a vintage detail it’s the beginning for a new collection."
I can certainly see vintage details shining through the design - the cut on the shoulders is a particular favourite of mine, as of course is the pretty peter-pan collar detail (how very predictable of me). In any case, I feel chic and sophisticated when I'm wearing it, if a little scared it might get damaged (it officially retails at £331). And as such, I have named it 'The Paris Coat' for my impending year abroad starting next year.
I have been a bit absent from Sadie's Wardrobe lately, but that's because I have been busy working on various other blogging projects! One of which is for Oxfam Fashion - you can find my first article here! The other project is a new paid job I have sort of stumbled into... but more on that at a later time!
Sadie xxx
Monday, 31 October 2011 giveaway winner!
Thanks to anyone who entered the $15 voucher giveaway for!
I have just selected the winner, using a random number generator, and I'm pleased to announce that the winner is comment number 14, 'Miss Congeniality'!
I will be sending an email to you shortly :).
I have just selected the winner, using a random number generator, and I'm pleased to announce that the winner is comment number 14, 'Miss Congeniality'!
I will be sending an email to you shortly :).
Sadie xxx
Sunday, 23 October 2011
For my birthday, I received a generous £30 voucher from my friends (thanks guys)! I was pondering how to spend it for about a month, thinking I should probably buy something for my impending 'year abroad' work placement, but in the end I came away with these dungarees. I've wanted a new pair of dungarees for ages - I do have an old ill-fitting chambray pair, but these ones are much smarter (very APC, don't you think?). Anyway, after buying them I wore them for 4 days straight. That is a testament to how comfy and easy-to-style they are!
I wouldn't have naturally thought to pair them with this shirt, bought at the vintage shop I mentioned previously for £4, but by some happy accident they found themselves together when I was trying on my 'purchases of the day' to show my housemates. I rather like the combination - I feel like I should be on the set of 'The Good Life', especially with my rather wild-looking morning hair and 70s satchel.
On the subject of hair... I'm definitely due for a hair-cut soon... haha. The reason it's so volumised is because I'd just blowdryed it properly, in a hope that its 'settled state' would be a little less flat than usual. My hair doesn't like to co-operate though.
This may well be the last thing I buy from a proper shop for a very long time... I've had what could be described as an 'ethical fashion epiphany' since reading Lucy Siegle's To Die For, and now feel like I should be doing more to help stop morally corrupt practices in fast fashion production. But more on that in a later post.
In other news, I have just been accepted as an official blogger for Oxfam Fashion - which is basically my dream job!! I am really really pleased and excited about the next few months! If you are interested, you will be able to find my articles here - I'd highly recommend visiting their blog for lots of vintage-related goodness!
And finally - don't forget to enter my giveaway!
And finally - don't forget to enter my giveaway!
Sadie xxx
P.S. I forgot to explain the backdrop to these photos: I live in a large mass of student housing, where builders think it is fine to just chuck all of their rubbish into pathways. Along with the 'classic' stolen traffic cone, I thought it would be a nice unusual setting, to indicate how unglamorous my lifestyle actually is...
P.S. I forgot to explain the backdrop to these photos: I live in a large mass of student housing, where builders think it is fine to just chuck all of their rubbish into pathways. Along with the 'classic' stolen traffic cone, I thought it would be a nice unusual setting, to indicate how unglamorous my lifestyle actually is...
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Win a $15 voucher for!
Since starting my blog, I have teamed up with jewellery maker Fern Martin once a year to host a giveaway for her online shop, The Wellington Boot. This will be the third year that we've hosted the giveaway - how time flies!
This year, Fern is kindly giving away a $15 voucher to be spent in her Etsy Shop!
I'm always happy to help out independent jewellery makers, who always produce goods that are much more unique and far better made than items you can find on the highstreet. The Wellington Boot certainly ticks all the boxes for me - an online shop filled to the brim with quirky little pieces, all at very affordable prices - perfect for Christmas presents too!
Here are some of my favourite pieces...

How to enter...
Competition Now Closed
Competition Now Closed
Good luck! :)
Sadie x
Monday, 10 October 2011
Out and About
On Saturday, the boy and I headed into town to have a look around the vintage shops. Digbeth in Birmingham is filled with hidden gems, and on our trip we discovered a shop we had never seen before - a great find as it was filled with extra cheap items (£4 for a blouse... yes please!). I'm a bit fed up with vintage shops charging extortionate prices, so this was a very welcome addition to my list of shopping haunts. The shop had some very pretty displays, including a row of russian dolls keeping an eye on customers from a central table, a pile of retro suitcases, and even an old Biba bag. I love finding places like this on roads I wouldn't usually wander down!
I made a few purchases in Digbeth (no doubt to be featured in a blog post soon!), then we headed to the dreaded Bullring to spend a voucher I received for my birthday. The Bullring is a complete no-go zone on a Saturday... I struggle to comprehend the amount of money that must change hands there in an hour, if the queues for the escalators alone are 15 people long. Seeking a bit of tranquility, we popped down to Selfridges for a nose around at all of the interesting food on the ground floor, as well as a quick look at the really expensive handbags next to the champagne lounge...
Anyway, on our way out, and with the enthusiasm of two excitable young children, we decided to try out a sushi bar! We were watching the conveyer belt go around for a good 15 minutes, waiting for some Vegetable Tempura to pop up, before a kind soul pointed out that you can just request for something if you ask a waitress! Dur. At least the wait allowed me to take (far too many) photos of the conveyer belt. It was very entrancing.
Note to self: brush hair before having photo taken on expensive camera!
If anyone wanted to visit the vintage shop, it can be found at 91 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham. I'd highly recommend it! There is a good little vegetarian café on the same street called Warehouse Café - another favourite of mine.
Sadie xxx
P.S. Stay tuned as I have a giveaway coming up at the end of this week!
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