Now that the summer holidays have finally started, I've got a lot more free time to do fun things like making clothes! The first project of the summer was to take the hem up on a floral corduroy skirt which I bought for £3. When I had cut the bottom off, I realised I had enough material left to make another skirt! So I now have one puffy elasticated waist skirt, and a straight skirt - which I'd work out to be £1.50 each, haha.
The straight skirt was a bit of a challenge, and it ended up a bit too big really - definitely needs a belt. But on the plus side, I thought that the cord material was quite easy to work with. (Except when my sewing machine decided to suck my skirt through the tiny hole where the needle goes). I'm going to see if I can get my hands on some more corduroy fabric for future sewing projects.
Ooh, and I just had my hair cut :D. It's kindof based on one of Francoise Hardy's hairstyles, but the fringe went a bit weird.