Saturday, 1 June 2013

'Fashion Victims' by Yolanda Dominguez

Since re-labelling my blog as an 'ethical fashion blog', I have mostly concentrated on the 'solutions' (great ethical brands) rather than the problems in the fast fashion industry, which I think are better explained by journalists and many campaigning organisations. Recently, the deeply disturbing Bangladesh factory collapse has brought the issues back into the public eye, but I can't help but wonder how long it will be before they are forgotten again.

I spotted a link on Twitter to a project by artist Yolanda Dominguez, called Fashion Victims. Whilst the project ignores a lot of issues, the visual statement it makes is interesting. Production in Bangladesh can seem so far away that it doesn't even enter your consciousness when shopping on the highstreet. But bringing the issue to a familiar context makes it seem more 'real'. It's also a great way to get conversations going and push consumers to examine their decisions.

Here is a video of 'Fashion Victims'.

I must admit that I did hesitate before posting this, concerned that making it 'art' sort of trivialises the factory collapse. What do you think? Is it a useful contribution?

Sadie xxx


Christina Pippin said...

This was actually difficult to watch. It's definitely compelling. I do wish there was more to it, so that passersby/shoppers could take away information/awareness rather than just be shocked/alarmed by the site of the women lying prone.

I am glad for any steps, big or small in the direction of edifying the public + bringing the issue to light.

Style Eyes said...

I do the same and try and inspire rather than scare people to buy ethical fashion but sometimes I think the shocking issues just can't be avoided. Loving your blog, I definitely need to visit Paris!

Anna said...

This is very interesting. I'm glad I saw this. I don't think that making it "art" trivializes this very serious issue. Like Picasso's Guernica - I think artists should be pointing a finger at the world's problems.

365daygirl said...

I agree with @October Rebel and was thinking of the Guernica painting as well. Art is just another message and a powerful one at that. Also I think it's a little much to expect an artist to address or even honor every single aspect of an issue - if that were the case a lot of art wouldn't even get produced and make an impact in society's consciousness. I think Yolanda does a pretty good job of creating a few very potent messages here that get people wondering and chewing on the idea of fast fashion and it's costs also considering the context she's placed the art in (white female victims wearing fast fashion and under building rubble). I hate to say it and it is tragic but I don't think the audience of a busy Western metropolis would be as connected to the questions of this issue if the victims were Indian women in traditional Indian attire - even those were the direct victims. The artist must consider context and how to make connections that the audience in question can relate to. That being said it would be very interesting to see an artist take the direct elements of the victims of the tragedy in Bangladesh and put them in direct contact with elements of the Western society and city life that exploits this production.

Thanks for posting!

Audrey said...

I do think it is a useful contribution. I posted the video on my blog too.
Sometimes you have to shock people to make them react.