Tuesday 15 December 2009

1920s Flapper Dress - Homemade!

After the 1960s, the 1920s are probably my second favourite era. I'm not a big expert on the decade, but my perception of it is that it was an age of liberation - in clothing (Chanel), civil rights (suffragettes and the vote) and the era when women truly began to get a good education.

To me, one of the iconic 20s fashions was the flapper dress. According to Wikipedia, 'The term flapper in the 1920s referred to a "new breed" of young women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior.' I completely love this image, haha - there's definitely a rebellious side in me! Anyway, I've been looking out for a wearable flapper style dress for a while now - then it suddenly occured to me; why don't I make one!

Criteria: Drop waist, muted colours, sequins, ruffles...

I bought the material for £5 on the market, and the splashed out on the sequins, which were also £5. After spending so much (yes, that's a lot!), I decided that I'd make the dress properly, with lining and everything, which makes a change for my usual slightly 'bodged' jobs. Here's the result of my efforts! I'm rather proud :)

I had enough material left over to make a matching headband - it's not very clear in the photo but it's two 'flowers' attached to a string of black sequins.

I might wear this as my prom dress!

Sadie xxx


Emma said...

This is seriously stunning :). I love the 1920's too - have done ever since I read The Great Gatsby. You are so talented! xo

Maddie said...

wow, that is incredible! i love the whole idea of the 1920s- with speakeasy bars and the fashions.. & especially love the films cabaret and chicago

Unknown said...

This looks fab! x

faye said...

Oh you gorgeous girllL! yes I think you should have it for your prom dress its so pretty and really sutis you
the headband makes it work too :D

Anonymous said...

The sequins are great
Good job!

Corinna said...

great sewing job! you should really wear this is your prom dress, i'm sure you'll stand out (in a positive way ;))

sophiemakesthings said...

ah its beautifulll! i do like 1920s inspired dresses, and I definately think you should wear it as your prom dress :) xxx

Anonymous said...

this is unbelievabley fabulous! i love this era too & the sound of that flapper style. you did a fantastic job & the result is amazing. i love the way youve done these pictures to. x

Secondhand Stella said...

So pretty! That is the perfect dress for New Years!

PS. I am having a giveaway on my blog for a celluloid dog necklace. You should enter :)

Penny said...

1920's = favorite era! You pulled it off so so well. I adore the dress... it's amazing!

m said...

Wow you are a genius! the result is incredible, even the light of the photo reminds me the crazy 20's :)


Jazz Virtue said...

Fantastic, you are very talented :)

Chie - Vivat Veritas said...

you are amazing! love the dress.

Maria Confer said...

It's beautiful!! You are so unbelievably creative and talented.


Libertad said...

I say YES! Wear this as your prom dress because is stunning! With a matching make up I'm sure you'll be wonderful!
Oh, my; I love this kind of dresses! Great work! *claps*

Alissa Evelyn said...

amazing! well done, such an awesome dress!

Parapluie said...

Wow, I'm impressed! The dress looks amazing!

Lost at 11 said...


Anonymous said...

your eyes your nose..hmm just make me so envy with you hahahha. Nice blog :)

soph // and other things said...

Beautiful dress! You did a fantastic job. xx

Rachel said...


Eri said...

WOW! Well done, it looks gorgeous and really suits you.
I also happen to love the 1920's, not so long ago I did a post on original fabrics I collect form that era. You should have a look.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I much appreciate your visit and hope to see you soon.

le blog de leen said...

you look really pretty in that dress!
nice work :)


l said...

I think that people who identify with certain eras may have lived at their fullest in those eras in a past life. I know that sounds weird! But it's possible haha.

Amelia said...

This is so wonderful! The sequins definitely make it. It would be a perfect alternative to the usual cheesy prom stuff.

Anonymous said...

oh wow it is gorgeous. u r such a good seamstress!

Talitha said...

this dress is amazing!!

check out my blog :]


PinkBow said...

this really is an amazing dress, well done :)