I'm home from uni for Christmas and it feels great! I have a new found appreciation of all the mod cons such as dishwashers and televisions, as well as fully stocked food cupboards and somewhere to do the laundry! To add to my list of home delights, my parents have just purchased a log burner, so I've been spending a lot of time huddled in front of that to warm up after trekking into town in the snow.
I've been waiting to show you this dress since the clothes show. Isn't it stunning? It's from Elizabeth Lau - and is one of Elizabeth's more sparkly designs! The dress itself is actually a tunic, but I think (hopefully!) I can get away with it as a dress. It hangs beautifully on its own, but I thought I'd cinch in the waist with a brown belt for added definition. I love how elegant oversized clothes look - this one especially, as it has a lovely off the shoulder detail and low back. Very demure. What do you think of it?

I'm going to chase after my boyfriend with this mistletoe tomorrow! hehe.
Lots of you have been wondering where my usual sewing/thrifty/outfit posts have been - well, they're back now! It's very difficult to sew at uni, not to mention the fact that I haven't even seen a charity shop for the last 3 months! Boohoo. But I'm back home now, sewing machine and retro patterns at the ready! So watch this space!
Sadie xxx
lovely dress!! :)
what uni are you at? and i know what you mean, i literally attacked my kitchen cupboards and fridge when i got home! as well as bringing a HUUUUGE bag of laundry hahaha :P
You look so pretty! Love the heart tights.
This is gorgeous :) Looks very festive- the tights are lovely
gorgeous girl xxx
Oh gosh, 3 months without a charity shop?! I think I might die.
This is a beautiful dress and you can totally get away with it as one! Lau is one of my favourite designers, her clothes are so quirky and interesting! x
I think you look great in this outfit!
Love your style ^_^
Your tights are so lovely <3
I love it! Party time :D
The dress is gorgeous - and it looks brilliant with your tights! x
Love the dress, going to go look at the Elizabeth Lau website now! Love how you styled it with the tights too.
I love your shoes !!
THis looks is stunning on you.
i love your outfit... the stockings are super cute :)
you are looking adorable, missy!
you rock those glasses so well. I wish I could!
What a pretty dress! Can't wait for your sewing post again!
Gorgeous dress Sadie, looks great on you and perfect for the party season! If you're looking for charity shops at uni, take a bus to Kings Heath or Sutton Coldfield- some of my fave charity shop locations! I've heard Shirley is good too but haven't had chance to go there yet myself! Hope you have a great xmas :) x
Pretty dress!
Have a nice christmas!
Wishing you a nice Christmas from France ! You look gorgeous in this dress. See you. Tartangirl.
Merry x-mas! I really love your dress^^
You look so so pretty in that dress! Anything that sparkles or glitters catches my fancy. If you don't mind, can I ask what model number your glasses are? Thanks!
this is so nice, i love your tights :)
im having a giveaway of a Alexander Wang-esque coco studded clutch bag if you want to take a look hon! xx
sexy sadie.. whatever you have done... looks good... nice stockings btw :-)
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