Tuesday 28 February 2012

And then it was gone

'And then it was gone' is the latest fashion film by photographer Claire Pepper, showcasing ethical designers such as People Tree, Made, Hattie Rickards and Hentrietta Ludgate as well as vintage items in this stunning setting, an old victorian school building in London. The video draws attention to the ways in which we use our resources, and how they may eventually be gone.

As a fashion blogger, I love a good fashion video, especially ones as pretty as this! I really appreciate the fact that this video specifically showcases ethical fashion, showing that it can fit just as seamlessly into an elegant fashion video as its unethical counterpart.

I think perhaps ethical fashion has had a bad name in the past... hemp yoga pants anyone? (I do secretly own a pair of these, but purely for household wear!). It's great to see the recent surge in fashionable clothing 'with a conscience', and it's lovely to see videos like these doing justice to the designs.

Sadie xxx


Eva said...

Lovely video, some beautiful shots! It really does draw attention to ethical clothing! X

Phara said...

Ethical fashion is sure making a name for itself, cause it is indeed much more appealing! Just take a look at Annie Greenabelle, I love that shop ^^

she. said...

the video was beautiful.

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